As 2012 draws to an end it is time for John Hunter's Annual Management Carnival. The Curious Cat Management blog hosts a management carnival 3 times each month highlighting recent management blog posts. This is the 5th year that the normal rhythm is being broken to review the past year in management blogging. From December 10th to January 10th some excellent management blogs will be hosting reviews of what has transpired on other great management blogs over the last year. You can find links to all the reviews, as they are posted, on the home page for Management Blogs: 2012 in Review.
I have been fortunate to participate in the last four annual roundups. You can see previous roundups I did on A Lean Journey's roundup page or on Curious Cat's Annual Roundup. This year I am happy to be reviewing some new sites including Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog by John Hunter, Encob Blog by Dragan Bosnjak, and Kaizen Notebook by By Evan Durant. Over the next several days I will be highlighting my favorite posts on Lean and management from these great authors.
As managers looking to improve the performance of our organizations, we really are lucky to have so many excellent management blogs to learn from. It is difficult to stay on top of all the wonderful options: hopefully these posts will provide some good resources to follow in the year, and years, ahead.

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