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Monday, December 19, 2016

Book Review: Lean Health

It’s the time of year when people start to think of resolutions (personal improvement) for the coming year. Many have a goal to reduce weight and improve health. As a Lean practitioner I am always interested to see how people have applied Lean thinking to improve their environment. Paul Akers, well known Lean enthusiast with 2 Second Lean and leader of FastCap, tells his personal story of improved health in a new book “Lean Health”.

In his book Paul honestly and comprehensively lays out his weight loss journey. He describes your body as a Ferrari (or Ford Pinto) which you have to take care of with fuel (nutrition) and maintain (exercise). His personal health transformation shows his commitment to lean principles beyond business but to his mind and body.

In his brilliant and engaging writing style he's taking the reader on his own journey to Lean Health. As with his other books and videos, Paul doesn't come across telling you how to do it but rather how he did it, so it's not a what to do but more of a how to do it. He explains the steps he found for exceptional health and the tools he used to help. It is logical, detailed, and most of all it is simple to follow!

Lean health not only changes the way we think about the foods we eat, it changes the way we think about life in general! Paul Aker’s Lean PD App is quite good and helps to instill new habits in your life. Give it a try along with his tips from Lean Health so you can change your life as well. 

Although it may be hard to make all the suggested changes in your life at once, just do one small improvement every day and try to stick to the things you've changed. 

Lean Health is a simple, quick, inspirational, and motivational read. If you are looking to improve your health, I highly recommend it.

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