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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Lean and 5S at Home with Paul Akers

Followers on this site know I have a fondness for Paul Akers as you can see from all these posts. He has found brilliant ways to simplify and share the message of continuous improvement. With Paul's 2 Second Lean book he is helping people grow and build a fun Lean Culture.

In a recent video by Paul, he again takes us home to share lessons on Lean. He focuses on using 5S elements to organize his home office and bathroom.  These improvements center around making tasks easier therefore saving him time.

Hopefully, you are applying continuous improvement thinking in your life and this will give you some ideas for your home and office.

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  1. Thank you for the reference, good idea to apply it in our everyday life..very helpful..by the way, what foam is that?and where we can find it? thanks

  2. The Kaizen Foam in the video is actually a product that Fastcap sells. See this link.
