selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean bloggers from the month of February,
2018. You can also view the previous
monthly Lean Roundups here.
We Don't Make Cars:
Applying Lean to Other Industries – Gregg Stocker says
focusing on the philosophy and transformation in the way people think and
approach the business will make the application to other industries far easier
and significantly more successful.
Strategy and the Worlds
of Thought & Experience – Pascal Dennis explains that strategy,
like all problem solving, entails moving fluidly between the worlds of Thought
& Experience.
Three Ways to Think
About Value – Johanna Rotham discusses 3 important ways to consider
thinking about customer value.
The Seven Losses of
High IQ Leadership – Jon Miller shares seven losses that surface when we
sub-optimize our leaders for high IQ.
Learn, Grow, Share – Ron Pereira talks
about why we must learn, grow, and share.
The Critical Thinking
Value of Writing – Kevin Meyer says improving and reinforcing writing
skills adds critical thinking value to both the team member and the
Methods Yes,
Methodologies No – Michel Baudin contrasts a set methods from learning vs
methodologies, way of problem solving.
Form Follows Function –
Say What? – Nicole Einbeck says when considering new designs, let
lean principles guide your entire project team to transform organizational
culture towards a future that consistently seeks to improve operations, improve
quality, reduce costs and never loses sight of customer value.
#Lean Can Be Very
Fragile, Especially With Executive Changes – Mark Graban discusses why Lean can
fall apart with several well know and studied examples.
Do People Feel
Comfortable Showing Problems? – Gregg Stocker explains the most
common obstacle to successfully deploying lean is failure to appreciate the
level of transformation required in behaviors and systems.
When “Resistance to
Change” Is Really Something Very Different – Mark Graban says sometimes
resistance to change is really resistance to your ideas.
Ask Art: Why do you say
the CEO needs to become a lean expert? – Art Byrne explains why the CEO needs
to have a deep commitment to lean thinking and practice for a successful lean
Tips for Proving the
Financial Value of Lean to Leadership – Jean Cunningham shares some advice
on showing the financial value on lean improvement to management.