As 2012 goes into the history books I want to take a moment to reflect on this past year. Nearly 159,000 people have visited the site this year which is more than double 2011. I posted some 230 articles on the site this year. It has truly been a very positive and full year.
Here is a collection of the Top 10 posts for 2012 by views:
10. 5 Lean Leadership Behaviors to Transform Your Culture - posted March 5, presents 5 Lean leadership behaviors you need to emulate to make your transformation effective.
9. Lean Quote Impossible Is Not a Fact. It’s an Opinion. - posted July 20, from a popular feature analyzes a Muhammad Ali quote that nothing is impossible.
8. Challenges Facing the Manufacturing Industry - posted March 27, highlighted a new initiative from AME on revitalizing manufacturing in the US.
7. Management Improvement Blog Carnival #166 - posted May 10, was from hosting the Management Improvement Carnival reviewing a collection of recent blog posts.
6. Kanban Flow - A Free, Fast, & Flexible Kanban Tool - posted May 2, reviewed a web app called KanbanFlow for creating personal kanban systems.
5. New Webapp - Pomodoro Daisuki is a Simple Kanban Board - posted February 15, reviewed another new web app called Pomodoro Daisuki which can create simple personal kanban boards.
4. How Do You Define Quality? - posted February 14, was a post at truly attempts to define quality and it's importance to businesses.
3. Quality Improvement in Government? - posted May 22, an ASQ post that looks at why there aren't more quality initiatives in Government agencies.
2. 10 Characteristics of a Good Measure and 7 Pitfalls to Avoid - posted February 22, demonstrates 10 characteristics to create good performance measures and highlights several pitfalls to avoid.
1. The Six-Step Problem-Solving Process - posted May 15, describes a six step methodology that is necessary to solve any problem.
Do you have any favorites not on this list that you would like to share? Leave a comment.

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