"A strategic plan is nothing but a dead letter. It comes to life only through discussion and negotiation." — President Dwight D. Eisenhower
reduce ambiguity and misinterpretation during the planning phase of Hoshin
Kanri management uses a fact-based inter-level negotiation process known as
“Catchball”. The word “catchball” denotes a simple social game in Japan in
which a circle of young children throw a baseball back and forth. It metaphorically
describes a participative process that uses iterative planning sessions to
field questions, clarify priorities, build consensus, and ensure that
strategies, objectives, and measures are well understood, realistic and
sufficient to achieve the objectives.
planning begins with the senior management identifying the strategic
outcomes/goals to be achieved, complete with deadlines. Once determined, the
‘challenges’ are sent to the operational units who break them down and
determine what each unit and person has to do to be able to achieve the
management objective. They then bounce the ‘ball’ back to senior management who
catches it and determines if the execution committed to will be satisfactory or
not. If it is not, the ‘ball’ is bounced back to the operations folks again who
catch it and respond accordingly.
conversation about strategic objectives and means widens as top management
deploys its strategy to middle management because managers throw ideas back and
forth from one level of the organization to another. There are three major
benefits to catchball. First, it opens up new channels of communication between
company leaders and process owners, which greatly improves the quality of the
organization’s shared knowledge about its processes, people and relationships.
Second, it forges new relationships necessary to execute the strategy. Third,
by engaging middle and even front line managers in genuine give-and-take
negotiations—that is, by getting their buy-in—Hoshin dramatically reduces the cost
of getting people to do what they’ve agreed to do.
short, catchball is a disciplined multi-level planning methodology for “tossing
an idea around.” It takes strategic issues to the grassroots level, asking
employees at each level of management to “value add” to the plan based on data
analysis and experience of their functional areas.
requires that the people who deploy downward engage in some kind of data-based
conversation with the people who design the plans. There must be sufficient coupling
and discussion during the planning process to ensure the strategic plan is
clear and realistic otherwise it will be nothing but a dead letter.
