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Monday, August 4, 2014

Change Leadership Requires Courage and Commitment

Change is difficult. It takes courage and commitment. Courage means trusting yourself to overcome your fears and doing what you are afraid to do. Courage increases conviction and inspires others to confront their fears. Being committed is about being clear on your objectives and being clear on what it will take to achieve them.

It takes courage to be a change agent, to rise up and lead the way when others are filled with fear. It takes courage to walk in a different direction when others walk along a contrasting path. Most important, it takes courage to drive persistence to overcome resistance…to find comfort outside your comfort zone when the promise of reward is ambiguous.

If courage is the fuel that gets the engine going, commitment is the will to keep filling the tank, to see things through no matter how dire the situation may seem. Not that the will to see things through is simple at all. It requires attention to detail, passion for the craft of making change, and a zealous, unwavering dedication to achieving an outcome, no matter what the odds, risks, obstacles and challenges along the way.

Without commitment, success is just but a far away dream. It is the force originating from within you that seeks to bring out the potential in you and drive you to your destiny. It is the desire of many to achieve success but a determined person is never satisfied until he gets what he is after. Commitment is what motivates one to strive and work hard towards success; therefore without it one tends to walk blindly and without purpose.

Commitment from management is a “MUST” for change. In fact, it is the driving force. Procedures, tools, and database are all useless if the management does not want to see an improvement culture in the organization. The employees of the organization will not care, if the management themselves do not show the attitude to follow the right path.

The truth is demonstrating commitment is hard work. Wavering commitment is usually seen as no commitment at all. The only way to achieve a reputation for commitment is through determination and persistence. Genuine commitment stands the test of time.

Change requires all of us to be willing to change and to demonstrate the courage and commitment. Courage is a foundational component of leadership, in isolation, it has limited potential for effecting change. Commitment is the development of a focus that will define the direction of future motivation. With courage and commitment in place we have the ability to identify and pursue specific opportunities for change, to plan and implement specific actions.

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