Click this link for A Lean Journey's Facebook Page Notes Feed.
Here is the next addition of tips from the Facebook page:
Tip #1156 – Coach Your Employees
role as a manager is to support, inspire and coach your employees to their
highest levels of performance. Coach your employees so they understand their
responsibilities and your expectations. Managers who provide regular coaching increase
overall engagement among their employees.
Tip #1157 – Earn Trust From Your Employees
trust every day. Trust provides the essential foundation for your effectiveness
as a manager, whether we’re talking about engagement, innovation, or high
performance. To build it, you need to reveal who you are as a person. Your
title and accomplishments aren’t enough.
Tip #1158 - Stress Employee Ownership
can’t create an engaged team if your employees don’t have clear visions of
personal success. Make sure they know that you’re available to provide
guidance, remove barriers, and help them find fulfilling work. However, they
are ultimately the ones responsible for their success.
Tip #1159 - Remove Systemic Barriers
a business like those in manufacturing environments, I’ve found some key themes
that can get in the way of engagement across an entire site no matter how good
the frontline supervisor might be at it. Themes such as communication and
trust, pay and benefits, office vs. plant culture, and (lack of) change
management must be identified by actively listening to your frontline associates
and addressed by the senior leadership in addition to direct manager-associate
Tip #1160 - Create a Productive Work Environment
workplace that is trusting, open and fun will be the most productive and
successful. Be open to new ideas and suggestions that come from your employees,
and show them that their voices are being heard. Regularly set time aside for
team-building exercises and meetings, and make them fun so your employees
actually look forward to participating rather than looking for reasons to ditch
Tip #1161 - Keep Promises
make a promise you can’t keep, and when you do make a promise -- no matter how
small it might be -- be sure to follow through with it. Even if you think your
employees don’t care about it, you can be sure that they are keeping score. If
you aren’t certain that you will be able to follow through on a promise, then
don’t make it.
Tip #1162 - Let Your Team in on the Plan
as transparent with your people as you can be, in terms of providing
information on how the company makes and loses money, letting them in on any
strategies you may have and explaining to them their role in the big picture.
When your employees understand the overall plan, they will view themselves as
an important, vital piece of the puzzle.
Tip #1163 - Involve Your Employees
employees more deeply in your organization by inviting them to join
cross-functional teams that draw on the expertise and talent of people from
different parts of the organization. Let each team have the authority they need
to make decisions on their own -- especially when the decisions directly affect
Tip #1164 - Create a Partnership With Your Employees
best way to encourage your people to consistently give their very best on the
job is to create a partnership. Treat each employee as a valuable member of
your team, and give them the autonomy to make decisions and do their work as
they see fit, so long as they meet their performance standards.
Tip #1165 - Solicit Ideas for Improvement
you do one-on-one meetings with your team, or in informal "stop-by"
talks, ask your employees individually for their thoughts on the department's
operations. Ask "What should we be focusing on? What could run better in
our group?" If the solutions offered seem impractical, don't shoot them
down—talk through the obstacles so your colleagues will understand the
challenges of implementing what they've suggested. Above all, don't send the
message that you're the only one who is qualified to make improvements. We
don't keep smart people unless we make them part of our brain trust.
Tip #1166 – Draw You Value Stream Map by Hand First
VSM software programs help you draw maps and perform many data manipulations.
In my opinion, you should learn to draw it by hand first, because it will help
you better understand the methodology. By putting pencil to paper, you emerge
yourself in the mapping process, and that’s how it becomes real. Yes, it may
seem like a struggle at first, but with practice it becomes easier. The day you
can grab a piece of paper, start discussing a problem with a colleague, and
draw a map is the day you really start to understand the power of VSM.
Tip #1167 - Use a Team to Create the Maps and a Plan
one person create the map means you used only one brain and two hands. The
information gathered may be biased or, even worse, incorrect. Decisions need to
be made for what is best for the entire value stream, and that’s hard to do
with only one person. Make sure you use a good cross-functional team to walk
the shop floor, analyze part flow, gather the information, and then draw the
someone with experience in VSM should lead the initial meetings. A person who
has drawn several maps can help determine the process families with the team,
teach the team the correct way to collect data and information, show how to
draw the maps, coach toward a better future state, and facilitate a successful
Tip #1168 – Don’t Expect Everything to Show up on the Map
though the maps will give you great information and insights for improvement,
they typically do not have other enterprise wide initiatives that an
organization should undertake during its lean journey, such as 5S workplace
organization and standardization. A company needs to have 5S everywhere, and
VSMs may show only an area or process that needs 5S, not the entire facility.
Also, other important functions like communication and training do not usually
show up as an action item on a VSM, but these functions are extremely important
while implementing lean concepts.
Tip #1169 - Post Maps Where People Will See Them
hide your maps. A key benefit of displaying your value stream maps is to
communicate what is going to happen at your organization over the next few
months or during the next year. Many people resist change because they fear the
unknown. Posting the maps with the plan removes or eliminates this fear. It’s
also a way to start discussions and obtain buy-in and ideas for improvement.
Don’t hide your maps; be proud of them!
Tip #1170 - Eliminate Waste, Don’t Create It
it comes to VSM, people often become so enamored with their own bureaucracy or
analysis that they are just wasting valuable resources, especially time. I’m
talking about the people who spend too much time making fancy graphs from the
data that was collected, or the ones that want to get the data down to the
one-hundredth decimal point. Remember what you are trying to do here: eliminate
waste, not create more.

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