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Monday, April 16, 2018

Leadership Behaviors That Show You Care

Strong leadership is essential for the success of any organization. Research shows that direct leaders bear the greatest influence on their organizations. In 2014, a group of Harvard researchers conducted a study of 3,200 employees in seven industries. They found that employees who felt they worked in a caring culture reported higher levels of satisfaction and teamwork, had less absenteeism, and had better organizational results.

There is not an objective measure to show how much a person really cares. As a results, we all have learned to make educated guesses about how much a person cares, based on a set of observable behaviors.

These are the tops behaviors which best show that you care:

1.     Builds Trust
It is difficult for leaders to communicate that they care about others when there is a lack of trust. When trust is missing, everything that is said or done is subject to question.Trust is built over time. It’s the foundation for positive relationships. It is built through knowledge and expertise. It comes from consistent actions and decisions that predictable and build confidence.

2.     Respects Others
Most people know that disrespecting others communicates a lack of caring. Take time to look at your actions and ask yourself if they might appear disrespectful to others. It is critical for leaders to gather feedback from others, not only to show respect but also to understand if their actions are having the intended positive impact.

3.     Is Approachable and Friendly
Leaders can a do set the tone for their workplace. There is tremendous power in a smile and in setting a positive atmosphere.

4.     Is Fair
Employees keep score: when their peers receive something they don’t, they notice. Lack of fairness it one of the most significant negative triggers of caring that is associated with leadership.

5.     Encourage Input and Involvement
Encouraging input from every person on the staff and asking their involvement in important decisions communicates that the leader cares for and values them and their ideas.

6.     Builds Unity
Leaders who encourage cooperation and collaboration among employees and between groups in the organization are perceived as much more caring than those who compete internally for people, equipment, and resources. Leaders who have the ability to unify and collaborate send the message that everyone in the organization is important, not just their team.

7.     Give Honest Feedback
Delivering tough feedback is often difficult and it can strain relationships; nevertheless, giving honest feedback ultimately shows caring. A leader who truly cares will tell others the truth about their performance.

8.     Develops Others
It is hard to think of a much better gift than to help another person learn a new skill. When leaders work with employees and push them to develop new skills and abilities, they are truly showing their concern for those employees. One way an organization develops is when leaders create an learning environment ins which people are encourage to learn from their mistakes and to analyze their successes to understand what went well.

9.     Resolves Conflicts
Most people assume that others will help in a difficult situation and therefore rationalize their apathy. Leaders need to acknowledge conflicts and work to get them quickly resolved.

10.  Walks The Talk
Leaders who actions match their word are more likely to be perceived as concerned and caring. Leaders can be tough-minded in their views and strict about rules, as long as they consistently enforce those standards.

11.  Is Open to Feedback and Willing to Change
A forceful way to show that you care about others is to be willing to change your own behavior. Leaders who are open to feedback from their direct repots and are willing to work on personal improvements are perceived as caring individuals.

12.  Gives Recognition
Most accomplishments mean very little until other people notice; recognition by others increases the value of those accomplishments. Leaders will never be hurt by finding more opportunities to recognize and reward other for their contributions.

Being a leader requires many important skills, one of which is the ability to make your staff feel valued for their contribution. Everyday leaders need to create an environment of inclusion and support where every member of the team can succeed. Imagine how every member of a team can thrive when there is an environment of support and understanding. Show them you care!

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