Click this link for A Lean Journey's Facebook Page Notes Feed.
Here is the next addition of tips from the Facebook page:
Tip #1876 - Set Goals That Align with Company Objectives
employee’s goals should be tied to the company’s overall growth strategy in
order to be effective. When employees understand how their individual role and
responsibilities contribute to organizational growth, they’re often more
focused and motivated to achieve goals that result in success for both the
business and themselves. Consistently communicating strategic business goals
(and regularly emphasizing the company mission) can help to keep employees
engaged in the work they do.
Tip #1877 - Connect Every Day Tasks and Efforts to Long Term Goals
aspect of your daily business should connect back to your long term mission
statement and over all goals. This allows managers and employees to see how
their every day work helps the success of the company – and improves their long
term career prospects.
Tip #1878 - Transparency is Key To Alignment
a sense of transparency throughout your entire organization will allow your
employees to see the productivity of their managers and vice versa. Overall
transparency can translate to a healthier and more productive work environment
for everyone, improving overall engagement.
Tip #1879 - Reward Employees Who Achieve Their Goals
critically important to recognize employees who set goals and then achieve (or
exceed) them. Not only does such a reward (a bonus, certificate, public acknowledgment
at a staff meeting, etc.) honor that employee’s efforts, it demonstrates
clearly to his or her co-workers that the company values this type of
commitment and hard work — thus providing further initiative from the rest of
the workforce. When such hard work goes unnoticed, employees can justifiably
feel there’s no point in working so hard and may begin looking for a new job
Tip #1880 - Take a Key Role in Communicating Company Strategy
you ever played the children’s game “Telephone”? By the time the message gets
to the end of a long line of people, its content has likely been drastically
altered beyond recognition. Miscommunication costs businesses substantial loses.
Be direct, make sure everyone understands your plans, and ensure that you
communicate your vision and goals to all staff members.
Tip #1881 - Develop Leaders Early.
development should take place as soon as possible within your organization by
assessing and analyzing the strengths of potential future leaders. While data
can be used, you can also discover which employees have what it takes for
certain jobs by letting them identify themselves as potential leaders in
leadership positions.
Tip #1882 - Challenge Employees.
employees a chance to challenge themselves by assigning them unfamiliar tasks.
It’s an effective way to push and test their skill levels. It’s all right if
they fail since it offers valuable lessons that can add new skills, improve
confidence, and solidify employee commitment. Watch to see if the employee just
determines the task is above their skill level or if your employee determines
that they will do what it takes to learn the new skill.
Tip #1883 - Rotate Employee Positions.
many innovative companies, employee rotation has become a great way to engage,
motivate and work with different team members. Furthermore, by not locking
employees into a single position, it’s developing additional skills in each
employee that could be used if they have to fill-in for another team member.
Tip #1884 - Inspire Employees to be Passionate.
of the best leaders that I've ever met inspire others to become leaders by
their passion. Employees will take a little bit of that passion and it will
grow within them. Develop passion in your employees and they will become the
biggest factors in the success of your business.
letting employees be creative, encouraging them to work on side projects and
sending out employee surveys, you will have found a couple of ways to discover
which employees are authentic and have bought into your company’s culture. Keep
in mind, you don't have time for everything.
Tip #1885 - Give Employees a Little Power.
important to give employees the right tools and resources to succeed. While you
want to challenge employees and encourage them to get out of their comfort
zones, you also need to make sure that you give them the proper support
whenever assigning new tasks. But, you don’t always have to hold their hand.
This can be done by encouraging them yourself, directing them to someone who
can help, providing them with the right support and frequently evaluating their
work. Furthermore, you may have to give up a little control by giving them the
power to make certain decisions.
Tip #1886 - Show Employees You Trust Them
first sure way to motivate and inspire your employees is to demonstrate that
you have faith in their abilities to get the job done. You can do this by
assigning them more responsibilities and giving them the chance to rise to the
challenge. Doing so shows that you trust them, which has a way of motivating
people to keep doing their best.
your employees and hovering over their shoulders at every step is
counterproductive because it makes them nervous. If your employees are too
afraid to try new things, they won’t be giving you their best. Give them
greater autonomy and responsibility and they will rise to the occasion.
Tip #1887 - Invest In Your Employees
way to inspire and motivate your employees is by investing in them. Offering
things like tuition reimbursement, a mentoring program, one-on-one coaching,
and job shadowing with people in higher positions sends a clear message: you
care about their career and their future. Some companies, in fact, have
periodic meetings with their employees to discuss their career paths and make
sure they stay on track.
from improving skills and increasing staff knowledge, this kind of investment
in employee career pathing gives them a reason to stay with the company for the
long haul rather than be on the lookout for a better offer.
in your employees, and you’ll give them a reason to stick around. When your
employees grow and improve, so does the company.
Tip #1888 - Leaders Set the Example.
a leader within your organization, people are going to look to you to set an
example for the rest of the group. You're going to be setting a tone, a work
ethic, and a set of values for the company whether you mean to directly or not,
and setting the right example can have a meaningful effect on the mentality of
your group. For example, if you work hard and stay optimistic about everything,
even in the face of enormous challenges, your employees will be likely to do
the same. If you set an example of positivity and understanding, your workers
will mirror you, and the entire culture of the work environment will become
more motivating.
Tip #1889 - Share Your Mission Statement with Every Employee
and share the mission, purpose, and goals of your business with the people who
work for you. This will give them a sense of belonging and a connection to the
big picture. It is much more exciting to be sharing in a mission as opposed to
just accomplishing an unrelated work task. A sense of contribution to the
purpose and success of a business makes any job feel more important.
Tip #1890 - Encourage Employees’ Opinions and Ideas
out the opinions and ideas of your workers with the goal of implementation;
employees will feel truly valued as an integral part of shaping the success and
future of your organization. Suggestion boxes, meetings and group discussions
are a few ways in which employees can contribute their ideas, but they should
be made to feel that their feedback is welcome at any time.

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