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Friday, September 7, 2018

Lean Quote: Everything Rises and Falls on Leadership

On Fridays I will post a Lean related Quote. Throughout our lifetimes many people touch our lives and leave us with words of wisdom. These can both be a source of new learning and also a point to pause and reflect upon lessons we have learned. Within Lean active learning is an important aspect on this journey because without learning we can not improve.

"Everything rises and falls on leadership." — John C. Maxwell

According to John Maxwell, author of over 70 leadership books, everything rises and falls on leadership. John Maxwell’s books on leadership are truly the standard for leaders.  His books such as the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, Leadership Gold, Becoming a Person of Influence and many others are filled with strong leadership wisdom and practical advice.

Servant leadership is the key to leadership success in your business, but there are so many other critical points of leadership that you need to master.  Here are a few leadership insights to master as you move forward in this journey.

  • You must learn to be a master communicator and connector.
  • You cannot be a lone ranger leader.  By definition, you are not a leader if you are alone!  If you think you are a leader, but no one is following you, you are just taking a walk.
  • You must become adept at addressing current issues with your organization while also seeing into the future, being a visionary, and charting your course.
  • You must be intentional about attracting the right people for your team and you must build a strong inner circle.
  • Your ability to empower others to lead will make or break your business.
  • As a true leader, you must be passionate about leaving a legacy of leadership.
  • You must be a master manager of your time and set correct and effective priorities.
  • Know that as you grow in your responsibilities, you will diminish in your rights – the true mark of a servant leader.

Charisma, passion and/or intelligence will only get you so far as the leader of your organization.  Leadership is a skill and an art that you must work on purposefully to develop.  There are many options to help you through this development process including outstanding books, tapes, workshops and coaching from certified coaches.  The success of your business will rise and fall on your leadership abilities.

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