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Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Guest Post: 7 Leadership Tools and Activities for Developing Your Leadership Skills

Whether you are already a part of a management team in an organization or you aspire to become one in the future, you should know that leadership skills need to be learned and polished throughout life.
Collaborating with professionals and teams in different working environments will give you the experience you need, but working on your own development doesn’t necessarily have to happen in the office. Whatever more, you should take time to work on your leadership skills in your free time, too.
Here are the seven most important tools and activities that will help you develop some of the vital leadership skills.

Understanding your strengths and weaknesses

Self-awareness is one of the most important traits a good leader can have. Knowing what you can and cannot do is crucial in the process of setting personal and professional goals, but this isn’t the only reason. A leader aware of his or her limitations can have a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of other professionals they work with.
If you want to know which personality type you belong to and which advantages and limitations you probably have, take the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test. It will help you learn more about yourself, providing you with a detailed description of your personality type.
Perhaps you think you already know all there is about yourself, but the results of this test might surprise you.

Developing your communication skills

Your day at the office probably consists of an endless stream of meetings and the constant flow of communication with your clients, colleagues and higher management. To be able to survive each such day, you’ll need to master patience, thinking on your feet, and the secrets of effective communication.
Developing your communication skills isn’t just about learning how to speak in presentations and answer emails professionally. It’s about active listening, reading body language, goodwill, and patience.
Activities such as traveling to experience different cultures and involvement in social activities and volunteering can help you learn a lot about other people and get plenty of chances to develop and polish your communication skills.

Recognizing your leadership style

What kind of a leader are you, and what kind would you like to become? Do you have clear, proven facts to support your observations? With the USC's Leadership Style Self-Assessment test, you will have both the answers you are looking for and the science to back it up.
It’s not uncommon to believe that you are a certain leadership style representative, only to find out that it’s not really the case. If you’ve “diagnosed” yourself wrong, that might be the source of a lot of frustrations and errors that can easily be avoided.

Boosting your creativity and problem-solving skills

Every inspirational leader is recognized by their ability to identify new solutions and new approaches to the same old problems in non-traditional ways. Creativity, flexibility in thinking, and problem-solving skills can be improved and boosted within your own workplace, and there is a lot you can do to make your team included as well.
From a Shrinking Vessel and Egg Drop to Frostbite and Minefield, games and activities that help you sharpen your brain are the best ways to connect with your colleagues on longer breaks in the office or on team building sessions.

Improving your delegation skills

It sure feels empowering when you do a lot of difficult and time-consuming tasks on your own, but sometimes doing it all by yourself is simply not the optimal solution. Delegating some of your responsibilities to the colleagues you can trust to take care of them is one of the most important things every leader must do now and then.
Learn more about how mastering six levels of delegation can help you save time and become more productive, while at the same time providing your subordinates the opportunities to develop their own skills and strengths.

Assessing your conflict resolution skills

To be able to resolve conflicts, provide inspiration and motivation to everyone around you, and truly understand and accept what you can and cannot expect from your colleagues, you need to be a leader with a high emotional intelligence score.
However, although a good leader needs to be emphatic, letting your emotions guide your every move can be quite risky. The IHHP Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Assessment is a test that’s created to help you find out how able you are to identify, comprehend, and manage your own emotions.
Do your emotions make you stronger or more prone to making impulsive decisions? It’s time to find out.

Staying calm during a crisis

Our workplaces are, unfortunately, often not the spaces where we can work undisturbed, in a peaceful, nurturing environment. The higher the level of your responsibilities, the more often you are likely to feel stressed out, tired, nervous, and impatient when it comes to both your own mistakes and the mistakes of others.
Keeping your cool and the ability to make quick decisions in stressful situations is vital, and you can improve these skills by developing a unique coping strategy, limiting your daily caffeine intake, and brainstorming with your team before making any final decision.


Whether you’re leading a team of specialists in a start-up, a large-scale company, or a non-profit organization, a lot depends on your perception of yourself, your relationships with teams and clients, and your leadership style. Working to improve yourself on a daily basis will bring you a lot of benefits, both in the professional and individual capacity.

Contrary to popular belief, a good leader isn’t born. A good leader is created. Try out these tools and activities that help develop your leadership skills, and let us know which ones worked the best for you.

About the Author: Becky Holton is a journalist and a blogger at Rush EssayEssay Services Reviews Club. She is interested in education technologies, best essay helpthesis writing service and is always ready to support informative speaking at essay writing services,MyAssignmentWritingessay-writing service uk. Follow her on Twitter.

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