selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean bloggers from the month of September,
2016. You can also view the previous
monthly Lean Roundups here.
by Building Organizational Capability – John Hunter talks
about helping people solve their own problems.
Your Business
is Hemorrhaging and You Don’t Even Know It – Scott Gavin says the
process of understanding inconsistency leads to alleviating the burden of
unpredictability on employees up and down the food chain.
Meetings for Your Organization – John Hunter shares principles he believes
will make meetings in your organization less frustrating and more effective.
– Bruce Hamilton talks about the rules that hold engineers back making them
nothing more than doormats.
of a Lean Planet – Bob Emiliani discusses the fear of businesses widely
accepting and adopting Lean thinking.
Transformation to the Front Line – Linda Duvall says leaders should provide
direction on where the staff should focus their improvement effort not tell
them what ideas to implement.
Makes Toxic Cultures? - Pascal Dennis discusses what creates a toxic culture
and how remedy it.
5 Frequencies of Leadership, and how I apply them to coaching soccer –
Jamie Flinchbaugh applies leadership lessons to coaching soccer to show that
anyone can use them.
to Spot Signs of a Lean Collapse – Jon Miller tells you how to spot a Lean
collapse or slow down before it occurs.
Value of Depth and Detail – Kevin Meyer says we are losing the ability to
access and process knowledge, lean and otherwise, based on lack of detail and
Why I don’t like Lean houses, except one – Michael Balle
talks about the flaws and misconceptions of Lean (Toyota) House for continuous
improvement models.
Leadership Training: From Batch to Flow – Bob Emiliani
discusses the approach and purpose of Lean training for business leaders.
Corporation: Improving Your Suggestions System – Marius Gil talks about how
to keep your suggestion system from failing.
Innovation in
the Work – John Shook writes about Lean and innovation and why it is
important together.

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