A selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean
bloggers from the month of April 2020.
You can also view the previous monthly Lean Roundups here.
More Than Ever, Huddle Daily as a Team – Jon Miller discusses the importance
of having daily huddle meetings even remotely.
you know what problem you’re working on right now? – Jamie Flinchbaugh says
we vastly underinvest in the task of generating a well thought out and
articulated problem statement.
Tips For Managing Customer Experience In a Downturn – Marci Reynolds
shares 3 key takeaways from the“Managing Customer Experience In a Downturn”
Why Not? – Bruce Hamilton
shares lessons from this chaotic and emotion-charged pandemic time worth
relating to.
boxes vs Quick & Easy Kaizen – Al Norval explains that a quick and easy
kaizen process is better then a suggestion box system.
Does Breakthrough Mean? – Pascal Dennis explains that a common failure mode
in Strategy Deployment is not understanding Breakthrough.
Tips for Managers of Newly Dispersed Teams – Johanna Rothman explains managing
dispersed teams requires different tactics, here are 5 tips to get you started.
Your Values Worth the Paper They’re Printed On? – Dan Markovitz discusses
why it’s these times of crisis that reveal a company’s true commitment to its
stated values.
What is Lean’s Future?
– Bob Emiliani talks about the impact on Lean of a crisis like COVID-19 and the
how management can revert back to old methods.
during COVID19 for Internal Lean Resources – Jamie Flinchbaugh shares
advice for internal lean resources with all sorts of titles, struggling with
how to support lean during the current COVID-19 pandemic.
to Manage Chaos & Uncertainty – Ron Pereira says to try personal leader
standard work in order to get through these challenging times.
Courageous Leadership - Kevin Meyer
says now is the time for great leaders to step up and show their courage, to
reinvent and reimagine, to show us the way.
Deliberate About Your New Normal – Steve Kane says as your businesses
transition back to full operation many practices will need to change and this
isn’t a time to jump to countermeasure but to be deliberate in action.
Bad Managers, Good Managers, and Great Managers Do – Mark Graban explains bad
managers tell, good managers explain why, and great managers go beyond this.
How A Virtual
Obeya Can Enable Effective Teamwork - Katrina Appell explains as we are adjusting to
new ways of working to slow the spread of COVID-19, we have to find new ways to
work together effectively.
Ask Art: What
Do You Focus on When Assessing the Potential Gains From Converting to Lean?
– Art Byrne says while there are no set gains that a company can expect to get
from converting to lean we can use as guidelines the gains that others have
gotten to set goals as to what is possible.
What the
Covid-Virus Can Teach Us About the Toyota Way – Jeffery Liker hopes that
coming out of this crisis many people throughout the world will have a greater
appreciation for the power of scientific thinking, the power of collaboration,
and the power of diversity.