selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean bloggers from the month of July,
2015. You can also view the previous
monthly Lean Roundups here.
Characteristics of a Good Boss – Gregg Stocker shares 5 things that have
stuck out to him from good bosses over the years.
Will I Do This Week That Will Still Be Adding Value in a Year? – John
Hunter discusses why it is important to have a long term on goals and
versus PDCA- when to use them – Tracey Richardson explains the importance
of standardization when problem solving.
No Time for Improvement?
– Janet Dozier says it is best to focus on improvement rather than living with
a longstanding problem.
People Don't Develop – Gregg Stocker explains reasons many organizations are poor at developing people.
5 E’s Great, Lean Visuals Have In Common – Victoria Burns shares several
common characteristics of good visuals that start with the letter “e”.
to Basics - What is Value? – Pascal Dennis explains values and why it is
Lean’s guiding principle.
Good When You Think You’re Bad – Kevin Meyer discusses assessments and how
the journey of improvement teaches you more the longer the go down the path.
Seddon’s Amazing
Discovery– Bob Emiliani counters an article by John Seddon on the failure
of Lean by explaining their lack of understanding of Lean.
Cost Reduction the Goal of TPS? – Michel Baudin also rebuts John Seddon’s
article by saying the goal of Lean is not cost reduction.
at All the Data and Be Wary of Unjustified Confidence – John Hunter says
that optimism can be helpful or harmful, be careful not to suppress.
Visual Management – What
Makes it Tick? – Aaron Fausz explains the core elements of visual
This Thing Called Lean? – Steve Kane explains Lean from his own personal
introduction into improvement.
Self-awareness and the Value of a Lean Coach – Jon Miller says a Lean coach
helps with self-reflection, encourages self-awareness, and guidance on
continuous improvement.
Over Business Traditionalists – Bob Emiliani discusses why there is a gap
between business traditionalists and Lean advocates and how to close it.

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