selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean bloggers from the month of February,
2019. You can also view the previous
monthly Lean Roundups here.
Get Your Personal or Professional Changes Back on Track, Focus More on “The
Why” Than “The What” – Mark Graban says people and organizations
often spend too much time talking about what needs to change, instead of
focusing more on why.
Key to Leadership is Consistency – Mark Rosenthal explains why consistency
matters in leadership especially in environments of change.
the Knowledge – Bob Emiliani shares ten areas for all members of the Lean
community, and particularly its leaders, to reflect on.
Autonomy to Your Team – Jeff Hajek shares several steps a leader can take
to mitigate the impact of mistakes that come with autonomy.
It’s Not Simple, It's BS – Pascal Dennis talks about the importance of simplifying
and clarifying in Lean PDCA and Design Thinking.
– Dan Markovitz explains why so many of our well-meaning
lean improvements fail.
Thinking – Kevin Meyer says a demonstrated hunger for new knowledge, and
the ability to distill, apply, and teach it, is an important characteristic for
all employees at all levels.
All Costs Exist To Be Reduced – Jon Miller discusses good costs and bad
costs or what we may call value added and not.
Values, and Principles – Steve Kane says organizations that have clearly
defined their vision, values, and principles are more likely to find people who
are innately driven to further the cause.
Is Lean
Thinking Art or Science? Yes – John Shook explores the relationship between
lean thinking and art & science.
Engagement One Kaizen at a Time – Crystal Davis says engaging the employees
at all levels with a clear and realistic understanding of how they inspire,
drive and support getting people involved in meaningful work is the best way to
show respect!
Ask Art: How
Should I Re-invest the Gains from Kaizen? – Art Byrne talks about how to leverage
all the gains you will get from removing the waste from your operations in
order to deliver more value to your customers.
4 Actions that
Solved My Lean Management Identity Crisis – Mike Orzen shares four actions
he took to sharpen his focus when applying lean principles.

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