I’m a huge fan
of Stand-Up Meetings because they are an effective way to get everyone up to
date and to identify potential roadblocks ahead. Less emails, less unfocused
hour-long meetings, less interruptions, more flow time. Usually they take
around 15 minutes and are held standing up (surprise!). The idea is to keep the
meeting short and to the point.
focus the meeting using the following format:
• Start the meeting early in the day.
• Should last no more than 15 minutes.
• The entire team should attend (use a
delegate or liaison
for support).
• The meeting leader (facilitator)
should ask these simple
o What did I accomplish
o What will I do today?
o What obstacles are
impeding my progress?
The frequency
of stand-up meetings depends on the criticality of items discussed or the
urgency of the project. More critical, more urgent items like customer
complaints or high level projects may be daily to twice daily while other
activities could meet less often. This doesn’t replace necessary team meeting
to accomplish the project milestones.
meeting provide a number of powerful benefits for teams:
• Creates a shared language among
team members
• Allows for real-time reallocation
of resources
• Enables a focus on value-creating
• Established a clear work plan for
each day
• Provides a mechanism for cultural
• Builds team identity and emotional
From experience
I have learned the following tips can help improve the effectiveness of your
stand-up meetings:
• Consider the use of a kitchen timer
to ensure your
meetings won’t last more 15 minutes.
• A speaker phone can be used to
include team members
that are off-site.
• Keep the attendance limited to those
team members
who actually create deliverables and
perform actions.
• Include “extended team” members only
when their
activity level on the project is
• Pass a talking stick around so there
is less cross-talk.
(A strong facilitator is
• Stand around the story/task board so
you can focus and
keep the board up to date as well.
• Highlight issues but solve them
later, this meeting is not
for extended conversations.
Stand-ups, like
software or machines, are tools. They don’t solve problems by themselves. But
they do require careful deployment and close attention to the human element to
ensure that you’re creating an environment that’s open and vocal, where teams
work together to get the job done.
To sum it up:
an effective daily stand-up meetings can help your team to be more productive,
more effective, and ultimately, more impactful.

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