A selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean bloggers from the month of October 2020. You can also view the previous monthly Lean Roundups here.
The Stabilizing Foundation of Values – Kevin Meyer explains why organizations, and individuals, that are handling the chaos (or opportunity!) the best are those with a strong foundation of values.
The Loopy Guide to Getting Started with Lean – Jon Milller answers the question how do I get started with Lean by reviewing a series of loops.
Methods for Changing Leaders: A3 or Kaizen? – Bob Emiliani discusses leadership development through kaizen instead of popularized personal A3s.
Comparing Lean and Leadership – Andy Carlino list behaviors to further define and help leaders understand the differences between leading lean and lean leadership.
A Lean Leadership Pocket Card – Mark Rosenthal shares the key elements of lean leadership and defines them.
Lean – So ‘Easy’, It’s Hard – Pascal Dennis talks about lean fundamentals and how they are simultaneously easy and hard.
Are You Setting the Right Trajectory? – Daniel Markovitz shares two major considerations that will dramatically affect your problem-solving.
Successful Lean Steering Committees – Jamie Flinchbaugh shares several elements that makes Lean Steering Committees work.
Betting It All On Leadership Behaviors – Bob Emiliani explains why we are doomed to failure without a daily destruction of our various preconceptions.
Focus on What you Plan to Do (Not What You Want to Get Done) – Ron Pereira illustrates why deliberate planning and activity lead to results using a baseball analogy.
Time to Stop – Kevin Meyer shares three ways to improve the ability to stop projects and activities for performance, alignment, etc.
Stop Being the Expert and Be a Coach – Steve Kane talks about the difference between coaching and teaching.
Us and Them – Bruce Hamilton talks about the us vs them thinking that divides and kills continuous improvement.
The Power of Personal Yokoten – Jim Womack discusses the importance of setting time aside for personal yokoten and it’s value in developing leaders.
Art of Lean: An Introduction to Muda, Mura, and Muri – Art Smalley
takes a closer look
at the concepts of muda, mura, and muri and learn why you have to consider all
three when you pursue any type of improvement or Kaizen actions.
Avoid the Costly Work of Rework – Rose Heathcote talks about impact lousy quality has on the customer, the organization and on the individual.
Fail...To Create the Conditions for People to be Successful - Katie
Anderson shares the story of how Isao Yoshino learned first-hand the value that
Toyota places in learning from failure--from humbly framing unexpected outcomes
as opportunities to learn.

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