In the US we
are celebrating Columbus Day which recognizes Christopher Columbus who
discovered America. It was October 12, 1492, that the explorer first spotted
land after a two-month voyage from Europe.
Columbus Day
has been a federal holiday since 1970. Today, it is primarily observed in
schools used to teach students a history lesson about America’s dawning days.
In October
1892, President Benjamin Harrison proclaimed the first “Discovery Day” and
asked Americans to “cease from toil and devote themselves to such exercises as
may best express honor to the discoverer and their appreciation of the great
achievements of the four completed centuries of American life.”
Rather than a
celebration of the man, it honored the spirit of the Americas’ discovery. It
was a time of jubilant celebration and displays of patriotism… as well as
solemn reflection on the blessings and opportunities we owe to those who came
before us.
Those long ago
observances celebrated that uniquely American spirit of risk-taking and
pioneerism — the same spirit that took a sparsely inhabited wilderness and
built it into an ever improving nation rich in freedom, opportunity, and
I remember
fondly the days when my children were in school, and they would come home after
learning their Columbus Day lesson about how Christopher Columbus “sailed the
ocean blue” with the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria. Columbus Day is certainly a
fitting time for that history lesson.
But I can’t
help but think that, now more than ever, the real value in Columbus Day can be
found not in a lesson from a history textbook, but in a rediscovery of those
ideals that made America great.
His journeys
inspired other risk-takers and dreamers to test the bounds of their imagination
and gave them the courage to accomplish great feats, whether crossing the
world's oceans or walking on the moon.
In the spirit
of Columbus Day take some time to discover and learn about your company, your
employees, your problems, your processes, and your customers so that you can
think Lean improvement.

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