selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean bloggers from the month of March
2024. You can also view the previous monthly Lean Roundups here.
The Power
of One Page – Pascal Dennis discusses the power one page has to enable
quick effective communication when used to tell stories.
Revolving Door
Leadership – Bob Emiliani answers whether the revolving door leadership at
the top and management churn below really is the problem that produces a lack
of sustainability of Lean management.
a Culture of Candor: Transforming Workplace Communication for Better Outcomes
– Mark Graban talks about encouraging people to be candid by cultivating a
feeling of psychological safety and rewarding their candor instead punishing
Improvement Across Industries – John Knotts takes a deep dive into the
contrasting landscapes of various industries aimed to illuminate the unique
challenges and opportunities each sector presents.
Dogs & Buns – Bruce Hamilton
shares a fun story and real example about the mismatches in your processes
causing waste in your operations.
The Two Directions of
Poka Yoke – Christoph Roser talks about poka yoke, and the two
fundamentally different directions poka yoke can take.
IS Your Customer - Steve Shoemaker describes how redefining operations as
the primary customer of engineering can transform product development, enhance
collaboration, and drive unprecedented improvements in quality and efficiency.
Satisfied Employee Will Switch – Christopher Chapman shares a quick analysis
of a labor market survey through a Deming lens.
in an Age of Endless Innovation – Pascal Dennis says there’s a good chance
we do not understand value and explains what it means in our modern era.
Shingo & Norman Bodek on Learning From Mistakes, Including Shingo’s –
Mark Graban shares some older material from his bookshelf, Zero Quality Control
by Shigeo Shingo published by Norman Bodek on Mistake Proofing lessons.
Why There Are So
Few Lean CEOs – Bob Emiliani explains why some people motivated to become
Lean CEOs and most others are not.

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