A selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean bloggers from the month of August, 2012. You can also view the previous monthly Lean Roundups here.
Focus on the Process and the Results Will Come – Pamela Kan uses the Olympics as an example to highlight the need to set goals but more importantly to focus on the process to achieve them.
The Increasing Role of IT in Lean Manufacturing – Gordon Benzie explains that IT is a key component of Lean programs, helping to further the spread of waste reduction and process variability to achieve performance improvement.
Keeping Your Lean Transformation Focused – Mike Rother answers this question with a wonderful presentation on how to concentrate your organization achieve continuous improvement and sustained competitiveness.
Go For The Gold – Charles Hagood writes about removing waste with standardized work with Olympics gold as the backdrop.
Hoshin Kanri as Both Strategy and Meta Strategy – Jon Miller talks about the continuous PDCA cycle of improvement that makes the Hoshin Kanri process so powerful.
Customer Focus By Everyone – John Hunter explains why and how to get all employees to be focused on the customer.
Olympics and how we can apply game theory in our companies – Dragan Bosnjak using the attraction of the Olympics looks at how we can get this excitement in our company.
A Fire Truck When An Ambulance Would Suffice – Kevin Meyer talks about organizational scope creep that happen in organizations causing inefficiencies.
What Will You Be Judged On? – Dan Markovitz writes about finding time to think strategically to make your actions count.
Organization Structure Changes Doesn't Solve Leadership Issues – Kevin Meyers writes about the all too common and unsuccessful organization change that many use to fix leadership competency.
Granddaddy Of Them All – Matt Wrye explains why overproduction is the granddaddy of all waste because it leads to all the other wastes.
Management Lessons From the Olympics – Dan Markovitz shares some management lessons from Olympic Track and Field that every business can benefit from.
I's on the Prize – Evan Durant explains 3 'I' things that are required to make truly effective visual management.
Creating a Quality Culture – John Hunter writes about what it takes to create a quality focused culture and why it is so difficult to do for most companies.
How to Setup an Effective 5s System – Tony Manos explains how to set-up an effective 5S system in 5 simple steps.
Wisdom vs Bureaucracy – Al Norval talks about standards as rules to be followed but only until you can't, don't follow blindly.
Why are there Standards? – Dragan Bosnjak reiterates that standards are not to be followed blindly.
In my time at Toyota, Nemawashi was as common as the word Kaizen – Tracey Richardson explains nemawashi or the process of gaining consensus from her experience at Toyota.
Nemawashi is about genuinely being interested in the ideas of others – Jeff Like explain Nemawashi as the process for getting broad input at every step of the way.
Nemawashi in Toyota – Art Smalley give another account of nemawashi as a management process of PDCA and gathering the facts.
Lean and Free Will – Mark Hamel says Lean transformations are so hard because there is no true compulsion in Lean.
For Improvement You Need Honesty Transparency Not Anonymity – Mark Graban reiterates the importance for open, honest, transparent communication for continuous improvement.

Thx for mentions!