The American Society for Quality announced the recent release of The Lean Handbook: A Guide to the Bronze Certification Body of Knowledge. Several authorities on lean technology were carefully selected to contribute to the most comprehensive resource on lean to date. The following are the contributors authors of Lean handbook: Christopher Abrey, Andy Carlino, Adil Dalal, Grace Duffy, David Foxx, Dr. Gwendolyn Galsworth, Bruce Hamilton, Pat Wardwell, John Kendrick, Matthew Maio, David Mann, Anthony Manos, Brian Maskell, Timothy McMahon, Dr. Mark Morgan, Frank Murdock, Mike Osterling, Bob Petruska Govind Ramu , Rama Shankar , Mark Paulsen, Gregg Stocker, Chad Vincent and Jerry M. Wright.
Lean has been described by its proponents as an effective growth tool capable of transforming any organization by optimizing strategies, systems, and processes through the elimination of waste. The Lean Handbook is an encyclopedia on quality and efficiency, serving practitioners on their path to certification, while also providing an invaluable resource for experts in applying their craft in the field. Tony Manos, the handbook’s co-editor, says, “We only approached people that we trusted had the knowledge and the real-world understanding, along with writing experience that would enhance the readers’ experience”.
Frank Murdock, incoming Chair of the ASQ Lean Enterprise Division, described the manual as the industry’s “living document”, and elaborated on the handbook’s role for practitioners in implementing Lean. “What is exciting about the new Lean Handbook is that it is built upon the Lean Body of Knowledge which has been gathered from the best practices of hundreds of practitioners through the efforts of the SME, the AME, Shingo and the ASQ. “
The book is currently available for purchase at ASQ website
This has been very exciting as this is my first participation in writing a book. It was a wonderful project working with all these experienced and well known practitioners. A special thanks goes out to Tony Manos who got me involved and of course led the editing of this book.

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