We all have roles in our organizations but it is the power of teamwork that makes our endeavors successful. It takes everyone working together on a common goal to be successful in Lean.
team of people can achieve far more than the sum of the total of the
individuals skills alone. In business teams can achieve:
can generate a wider range of ideas and innovation than individuals;
are able to motivate themselves;
can bounce ideas off each team member;
often take more risks than individuals;
have a range of personalities such as workers, thinkers, leaders who contribute
the right balance of skills necessary to achieve high performance;
support each other and are not just task-orientated;
can be a support mechanism which provide mentoring and allow others to grow in
is important to the success of an organization, but as the saying goes: “it’s like
getting rich or falling in love, you cannot simply will it to happen.” Teamwork
is a practice. Teamwork is an outcome. And teamwork leverages the individual
skills of every team member.
create effective teamwork across your organization, you need to break down any
departmental barriers to collaboration so that you can draw on the best people.
You need to set clear objectives and define working relationships so that
members can work as a cohesive team, and you must provide tools that support
efficient collaboration.
people respond well to being a valued member of a team by putting forth their
best efforts. Human beings are hard wired to work cooperatively with one
another to achieve common goals, so remember that not all performance rewards
need to go to individuals. Incentives can be provided to the team as a whole
for working efficiently together to reach goals.
and team work create an environment that allows the collective knowledge,
resources and skills of each team member to flourish. When people work together
they can complete tasks faster by dividing the work to people of different
abilities and knowledge. Teamwork can lead to better decisions, products, or
you agree that teamwork breed successful improvement?

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