of failure is one of the greatest fears people have. It is a genuinely
scary thing for many people, and often the reason that individuals do not
attempt the things they would like to accomplish. But the only true failure is
failure to make the attempt. If you don't try, you gain nothing, and life is
too short a thing to waste.
you’re not making mistakes, you’re not improving. Henry Ford said, “Failure is
merely an opportunity to begin again knowledgeably.” Failure can be an
inevitable stepping-stone to great achievement.
likes to make mistakes. However, the simple reality of life is that at some
point, all of us are going to be wrong. That’s just life. We are going to make
mistakes. A colleague of mine always says, “Learn to fail quickly.”
Essentially, if you are going to fail you need to learn to do it quickly in
order to get the data (results) that you can use to gradually improve. The
faster you get at learning from unforeseen circumstances and outcomes, the
faster you can find a solution that truly adds value.
we all make mistakes, fear of failure doesn’t have to cripple you. Take these
steps to overcome your fear of failure and move yourself forward to getting the
result you desire:
One: Take action. Bold,
decisive action. Do something scary. Fear of failure immobilizes you. To
overcome this fear, you must act. When you act, act boldly.
gives you the power to change the circumstances or the situation. You must
overcome the inertia by doing something. Be brave and just do it. If it doesn’t
work out the way you want, then do something else. But do something now.
Two: Persist. Successful
people just don’t give up. They keep trying different approaches to achieving
their outcomes until they finally get the results they want. Unsuccessful
people try one thing that doesn’t work and then give up. Often people give up
when they are on the threshold of succeeding.
Three: Don’t take failure personally. Failure is about behavior, outcomes,
and results. Failure is not a personality characteristic. Although what you do
may not give you the result you wanted, it doesn’t mean you are a failure.
Because you made a mistake, doesn’t mean that you are a failure.
Four: Do things differently. If what you are doing isn’t working, do
something else. There is an old saying, "if you always do what you’ve
always done, you’ll always get what you always got." If you’re not getting
the results you want, then you must do something different. Most people stop
doing anything at all, and this guarantees they won’t be successful.
Five: Treat the experience as an opportunity to learn. Think of
failure as a learning experience. What did you learn from the experience that
will help you in the future? How can you use the experience to improve yourself
or your situation? Ask yourself these questions:
What was the mistake?
Why did it happen?
How could it have been prevented?
How can I do better next time?
use what you learned from the experience to do things differently so you get
different results next time. Learn from the experience or ignore it.
today’s business world, companies must fail forward fast. We learn by making
mistakes. So if we want to learn at a faster pace, we must make mistakes at a
faster pace. The key is that you must learn from the mistakes so you make so
you don’t repeat them.

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