Click this link for A Lean Journey's Facebook Page Notes Feed.
Here is the next addition of tips from the Facebook page:
Tip #1246 – Implement a Continuous Learning Strategy
it clear to your employees that most learning happens past the initial
training. Employees will be less stressed because their development will occur
gradually over time, rather than be front-loaded at the start. It also makes it
clear that your first priority is their well-being, which translates into
higher workforce morale.
Tip #1247 - Foster a Work Environment that Encourages Continuous Learning
the idea of training with capability development. This empowers the employees
to be more self-motivated and more likely to want to improve themselves. Build
a culture around employee satisfaction and improvement. Integrate continuous
learning into daily routines.
Tip #1248 - Offer Consistent Feedback to Employees
is key for finding areas of improvement and adapting to your employees’ needs.
Experience-based feedback with actual work context is much more effective than
feedback based on rout training. Give your employees concrete goals and paths
to improve their work.
that communication goes two-ways. Take feedback from your employees as well, to
help improve your own continuous learning strategies.
Tip #1249 - Leverage Technology as a Learning Tool
a variety of multimedia options to encourage learning from many different
angles. People have different ways of learning, through audio, visuals, text or
hands-on approach. Creating multiple solutions for training ensures that
employees can learn at their own pace and in a manner they are comfortable
Tip #1250 – Continuous Learning Makes Employees Satisfied
of continuous learning as smoothing out the bumps and valleys of your
employees’ learning curve. A front-loaded strategy has a huge spike right at
the beginning that demands a lot out of your employees. This may have a
negative effect in their motivation, stress levels and skill proficiency.
Implementing continuous learning straightens this curve out.
Tip #1251 – Be Willing to Teach or Mentor Others
think sometimes we forget how much we know. Maybe we know something so well we
do it automatically. Be willing to give others a hand and teach them what you
know. Plus something magical happens when you teach someone something—you begin
to understand it better yourself and deepen your mastery of that subject.
Tip #1252 – Strive to Learn Something New Each Day
life with a beginner’s mindset and look constantly for one new tidbit or a new
way to expand your expertise or knowledge. Be open to learning and at the end
of the day reflect on what you learned or sometimes maybe even relearned.
Journal, meditate or contemplate the ideas you have learned to help ingrain the
lessons learned. Then you can decide how to put it into practice.
Tip #1253 - Follow Your Intuition For Better Learning
learning is like wandering through the wilderness. You can’t be sure what to
expect and there isn’t always an end goal in mind. Letting your intuition guide
you can make self-education more enjoyable. Most of our lives have been broken down
to completely logical decisions, that making choices on a whim has been stamped
Tip #1254 - Schedule Time for Learning
is too easy to say that you didn’t have time to partake in some form of
development. The best way to find time is to make it. Put aside some time every
day, week, month and even year to allocate towards continuous learning and
development. Allocated daily time could be 5 minutes every morning to read the
latest industry headlines, for instance. Weekly time could be apportioned to
catching up with a leading industry periodical or journal. Over the longer
term, managers could dedicate a handful of days towards conference or course
Tip #1255 – Continuous Learning is a Process of Constant Evolution
any organization, continuous learning means growth through learning events and
experiences. It can be applied to individuals, team, and organizations- a
process that will help them to achieve their overall objectives.
a continuous learning process entails change; one cannot learn and still be the
same person, team, or organization. There is a constant evolution in the way we
think and act, brought about by new understanding, new knowledge, and new
of the worst phrases that any person or entity can say is “I already know that”
because this can very well destroy any chances of continuous learning. And when
there is no learning, there is no growth.
Tip #1256 – Don’t Try to Measure Too Much
sounds like a contradiction, but measuring too much can actually have an
adverse effect on your business operations. There are an intimidating number of
ways to measure a business, and trying to measure everything will leave you
exhausted and will stop you focusing on what’s important. Think of it like
setting out to eat a chocolate mountain – tempting, but eating it in one go
will make you sick. It’s better to take
one bite at a time. Pick just one objective for your business to measure in its
initial stages as you begin to develop your KPIs.
Tip #1257 - Only Measure What’s Important to Your Organization
are lots of practices that a business can measure, and as illustrated in Point
1, it’s inefficient to measure absolutely everything. So you need to figure out
what the priorities are for your business and thus what KPIs you should set to
measure the most important activities within your organization.
Tip#1258 - Don’t Design Business Measures for Somebody Else.
design measures for a staff member or team without their involvement. The
measures will fail unless you involve those people in the process. Work with
the people concerned and they will have higher ownership of the measures
produced and more buy-in to using them – this will improve the performance of
the processes in which they work and will consequently have a positive effect
on business results.
Tip #1259 – Good Metrics Should be Actionable
the metric should help you make a decision.
This is why metrics work best with a target, so you can clearly see if you
have or have not hit your target, and then take appropriate action.
Tip #1260 - Make Metrics Visible.
best way to connect every member of your team to the company’s metrics in a
meaningful, regular way is to make them visible. At my company, each department
has an analytics dashboard and scorecard, which display high-level goals and
how the organization is performing on the specific tasks that comprise them.
Making metrics visible encourages transparency and can dramatically increase

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