selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean bloggers from the month of September,
2018. You can also view the previous
monthly Lean Roundups here.
You a Good Coach? An Effective Coach? HBR Says You Might Not Be – Mark Graban talks
about an HBR article which indicate people often overstate their own leadership
abilities but they can learn to improve.
Change Management Strategies and Tactics – John Hunter shares
several posts where he has explored the idea of how to create a culture that
promotes effective change management.
Better Way to Visualize Hoshin Plans – Dan Markovitz shares an alternative
to the x-matrix which they a relationship chart which is easier to understand.
at the Gemba – Kevin Meyer shares a story from his early career where he
learned to go to the Gemba of 24/7/365 operation by having staff meeting at
Without it, You're Not Doing Lean – Gregg Stocker debunks the common
misconception that lean thinking and innovation somehow conflict one another.
Contributor vs. Team Member – Johanna Rothman says we need to rethink out
term individual contributor since no one is literally an individual
Selling Lean
to Business Leaders – Bob Emiliani shares thoughts on why senior leaders
resist lean and why we need to continue to sell transformation.
10 Differences between Traditional and CI-Infused Problem-solving – Jon Miller
explains the top 10 differences between traditional problem solving and problem
solving that is infused with the principles and practices of continuous
Are Opportunities – Steve Kane explains who constraints can reveal opportunities
to improve processes.
Kanri Aligns Goals and Unifies Organizations – Pete Abilla talks about how
Hoshin Kanri creates flow, closes loops, and ensure focus and clarity.
to Manage Continuous Improvement without Authority – Jon Miller discusses
how management position without traditional authority but traditional goals and
expectations like that of the Lean Manager can achieve success.
Dashboard Wallpaper – Leslie Barker shares a personal experience where she
found a board that wasn’t effective and what you can do to build a system of
dashboards that are.
Ask Art: Why
Does Boosting Inventory Turns Matter So Much? – Art Byrne explains that
inventory turns should be a focus for every company because that is the key to creating
Transformation? Not Buying It – Mike Orzen discusses how can we create a
culture of continuous improvement when we appear to understand transformation
as a static destination.
TPS, the
Thinking People System – Michael Balle answers the question how does one
get CEOs to adopt lean by explaining the TPS “house” and it’s meaning.

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