A selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean bloggers from the month of May 2022. You can also view the previous monthly Lean Roundups here.
Material Flow and Traffic Flow – An Analogy - Christoph Roser compares the flow of materials in a factory with the flow of traffic on roads.
Flow – Michel Baudin describes aspects of flow in many contexts.
Lean Thinking in Software Design – Pascal Dennis discusses the need for lean and simpatico Agile and Scrum practices in software design.
Why is Lean Important? 6 Ways Lean Leads to Success - JJ Puentes details the specific reasons that Lean is important and the ways it leads to success which he breaks down into six significant categories.
Why Traditional Measurement Approaches Do Not Change A Culture – John Knotts explains if you expect to install a culture of continuous improvement, then you need to take the effort to start measuring your company’s activities at all levels, not just at the highest KPIs or even the lowest process performance measures.
Speed Will Come – Steve Kane advocates implementing your improvements slowly and deliberately so you can’t get it wrong, this is the desired result.
8 key lessons from Toyota - Roberto Priolo looks back at the most insightful articles Planet Lean has published on the most talked-about company in the lean world to share eight key lessons from Toyota.
When You Worry You Visualize What You Don’t Want! – Steve Musica says when you worry, you visualize what you don’t want to happen and this remains in your subconscious thoughts and becomes more likely to occur.
Taylor Swift on the Inevitability of Mistakes and the Positive Outcomes That Can Follow - Mark Graban says we'll inevitably make mistakes but learning to reflect without dwelling on them and beating ourselves up is a positive outcome.
Ask Art: How Useful is Six Sigma and the Black Belts and Green Belts that Come with It? – Art Byrne shares his thought that six sigma is comfortable and results unsatisfactory whereas adopting lean is very uncomfortable — until you see the results.
Organizations Can Increase Profitability While Improving the Work Environment
- Patricia Panchak and Matthew Savas share story of a restaurant’s management
team who discovers that enabling cooks to stay focused on value creation
improves business performance and makes them more effective leaders.

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