One of the most important qualities of a good leader is the ability and desire to develop their employees. Taking an active role in the development of your team demonstrates confidence and concern for the future of the organization.
people have more energy and ability within them than they could ever imagine.
Your job, as a leader, is to discover this truth for the benefit of your
organization as well as yourself. When you discover someone’s potential, you
can help her develop her potential and become more productive and skillful.
There is no service better than helping others to soar to excellence and become
better human beings.
many organizations do not plan properly for the development of their people and
teams. People development without proper planning in place normally results in
internal and external conflict, which leads to confusion, low productivity,
less motivation, and therefore loss in various ways. When the right plan for
development is designed based on the employees’ needs, desires, and potential
the expected positive outcome will be achieved.
can’t move forward if you don’t grow and you can’t grow if you never leave your
comfort zone. When possible, give your employees challenging assignments. Help
them prepare by providing them a safe environment to learn from the mistakes
that they are bound to make.
people want to learn and grow their skills at work. Encourage experimentation
and taking reasonable risk to develop employee skills. Get to know them
personally. Ask what motivates them. Ask what career objectives they have and
are aiming to achieve. You can make their career.
is nothing more demotivating than feeling you’re in a dead-end job. Talk to
employees about what direction they’d like to see their career path take, and
help them identify opportunities for personal and professional development that
will help them achieve those goals. Share with them ideas they can use for
their own career management within the organization. Move past any fear you may
have of your employees leaving – by caring about their growth and aspirations,
you will probably get a more productive, loyal, and longer-term team member
than if you don’t have these conversations.
training responsibilities extend far beyond simply going over work procedures and
sending employees to classes when they need to master a new skill. Effective
workforce training is an ongoing process that requires supervisors to engage in
ongoing skill development with their employees. Managers must engage in
informal training needs assessment on an ongoing basis, paying attention to
employees' strengths and weaknesses and identifying gaps that can be overcome
through training opportunities.
order to get the most from your employees, you need to invest time and
resources in their development. Annual performance reviews simply aren’t
enough. Make a point to sit down with each employee on a monthly basis (or more
frequently, if possible) and provide them with specific feedback and areas of
a positive learning environment will encourage development and help your
employees gain confidence in their position. Learning should be relaxed and
clearly explain the reasoning behind every new exercise and lesson. Negativity
will only inhibit the learning process, so it's important to be patient, allow
for mistakes, and always reward new achievements. This positive feedback will
reinforce and affirm the efforts of your employees, and encourage them to
continue learning.
as a manager, one of your primary duties is to develop your people. Your
employees are your most important resource.

The qualities of good leaders are always appreciable, as they bring good positive changes in their atmosphere through their contribution. They used to inspire others to follow the right path to get success both in professional as well as personal life. In the professional field, we need good leaders which help employees to get in the right position. Here from this article, we came to know how leaders are developing employees. Thanks for such a wonderful post with essential information.