"If you want people to think, give them intent, not instruction." — David Marquet
people what you want, not how to do it. Telling them how to do their work is
marginalizing, rather than maximizing, your people, which goes directly to your
bottom line. You will find people more responsive and less defensive if you can
give them guidance not instructions. You will also see more initiative, more
innovation, and more of an ownership attitude from them develop over time.
you give people instruction, you put them on autopilot. They just run through a
task list until it ends and don't bother to think more than necessary. If you
provide an intention you create an end goal to strive towards and encourage
people to think about the best way to get there. If you find that you don't
have the proper motivation to finish a task, you can always ask your boss or
manager for that intent. It might help you do better work and feel a little
less like a task robot.
there's well-grounded concern about whether they will come up with a good
solution, then you need either provide greater support, or reconsider the
person for their role. If it's not, then delegating the "what" you
want done, then having them figure out on their own the "how" best to
do it makes them add maximum value to your enterprise, not to mention freeing
you up for a greater contribution.
define what matters. Don’t just give orders; give the reasoning behind your
requests. If you want them to do something, tell them why in a way that lets
them know the importance of the task to the company.

Hi Tim, What a great leader, and the wonderful words you use will help all of us to be better at whatever task we challenge.