selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean bloggers from the month of September,
2014. You can also view the previous
monthly Lean Roundups here.
your Workforce – Productivity Inc. shares few principles from Taiichi Ohno
to provide some guidance on engaging your workforce.
supply chain is costing you money – Reason #1 Offshoring without getting the
full picture – John Westerveld shares 5 cost factors that are often missed
when considering manufacturing offshore.
A Continuous Improvement Culture Requires More Than Logic – Gregg Stocker
says changing a culture to one where improvement happens on a continual basis
requires more than appealing to logic because it tends to run counter to common
sense – at least when compared to the way most businesses operate.
The Role of a
Lean Leader – Jacklyn Whitaker describes the role of the Lean leader in an
organization creating customer value.
your organization know how to cultivate value creation? – Scott Gavin
discusses how companies can create value within their organizations.
Advantage of the Strengths Each Person Brings to Work – John Hunter says it
is the goal of managers to set up organizations to take maximum advantage of
the strengths of the people in the organization while minimizing the impact of
on Almost 10 Years in Lean Healthcare – Mark Graban reflects on his past 10
years in Lean Healthcare.
is Learning: No Silver Bullets or Quick Fixes - Johanna Rothman explains
there are no sliver bullets in making change acceptable rather continuous
Overcome Inertia in your
Lean Efforts - Janet Dozier provides 5 considerations for avoiding lapses
in progress during your pursuit of perfection.
Time is to Service as Inventory is to Manufacturing – Pete Abilla explains
that cycle time in service industries is synonymous as inventory to
manufacturing in terms of waste.
How Will You Motivate People, Pascal-san? – Pascal Dennis says you motivate
people with Safety, Noble Goals and Simple Decency.
Deming Video: Managing the Organization as a System – John Hunter explains
management success only comes from improving the entire system not
sub-processes within the system.
Problem Solving – Proving Cause & Effect – Pascal Dennis describes the
importance of cause and effect for problem solving.
I’m Against It! –
Bruce Hamilton provides advice from experience on how to deal with Lean nay
Lead With Respect –
Bob Emiliani says leading with respect is not simply a matter of embracing a
handful of new behavioral practices.
With Red/Green Charts is Like Driving By Looking at the Rear-View Mirror –
Mark Graban explains the pitfalls of managing through metrics instead of
managing the system.
Smart Way to Manage Operations Across Multiple Sites – Tom Bonine shares
seven ways you can effectively manage operations across multiple sites.
the power of diversity – Bill Waddell explains the importance that
diversification in management team plays in change.
A Lean
Management System Starts with Senior Leaders – Steve Leuschel says Lean
transformation starts with the leadership.
Lean on
Steroids: Why We Should Rely On Physical Measures, Not Financial Ones – Doc
Hall explains why Lean relies on physical measurements.
The Biggest
Waste of All – Brent Wahba says a bad strategy is the biggest waste of all
and what you can do to make a good strategy.

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