"Of course it’s hard. It’s supposed to be hard. If it were easy, everybody would do it. Hard is what makes it great." — Jimmy Dugan (Tom Hanks), A League of Their Own
is not easy. It's not easy to understand. It's not easy to implement. And it's
especially not easy to sustain. But anyone who has embarked on a so-called lean
journey already knows this. Lean, in fact, is hard work and it's a challenge to
keep it going.
is a process. It's a culture. It's a system. And at its core, Lean seeks to
optimize manufacturing processes and reduce or eliminate waste — everywhere in
the value stream.
Lean is not a quick fix and you cannot pick and choose the tools you use. The key to ongoing success is to embed Lean
as a philosophy, and a requirement in everybody’s role; ensuring the right
levels of line-management responsibility and accountability for gradually
implementing the various tools and techniques that support it.
Lean, or any change initiative is difficult.
If it wasn’t, everyone would be doing it, and they’re not. The answer is that the philosophy, tools and
techniques are relatively simple, the hard bit is the culture, people,
training, employee acceptance and ultimately perseverance and endurance as
improvement does not happen overnight.

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