"I have learned to use the word impossible with the greatest caution." — Wernher von Braun
is a state of mind; what is impossible today may not be so tomorrow. What is
impossible for us may not be so for others. This means that nothing is
impossible if we know how to do it. To think otherwise will prevent us from
finding a solution. Take flying for example. In the past, man could not fly. To
make such a suggestion then would have made a person look stupid. But because some
people refused to believe that flying was impossible, it is possible today. In
fact, flying is so common that we take it for granted. The impossible has
become the possible. When new changes or ideas become the accepted norms for
us, we have greater options at our disposal. Today, we can travel by land, sea
or air. In the future, space travel might become common for the masses.
easier to say something is impossible, or at least extremely unlikely. Everyone
has periods of doubts. Everyone considers giving up sometimes, but then you
just have to remember why you tried so hard in the first place.
is impossible. If you never tried it then you would never know if it worked.
Every failure teaches you something if you are willing to learn from your
mistakes. Those saying it can not be done should not interrupt those trying it.
Artificial roadblocks are wasteful and counterproductive. Keep trying. Keep
self-belief as a leader is infectious as well. What do you believe about
yourself? What do you believe about your ability? What is possible and what is
impossible? Your willingness to try the impossible will inspire your team push
the limits as well.

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