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Thursday, September 21, 2017

Northeast Lean Conference - SIPOC - The First Picture of Your Process

This week I was fortunate to attend the Northeast Lean Conference. I met a number of great practitioners on their Lean Journey which I'll highlight in a upcoming post.  I also had the opportunity to present at the conference on a tool and how we use it for continuous improvement.  I wanted to share those slides here.

Whenever you are planning to start some process improvement activity, it’s important to capture an easily communicated picture of the current process first. A SIPOC (Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, Customers) diagram identifies at a high level the potential gaps (deficiencies) between suppliers and process inputs and between output specifications and customers’ expectations, thus defining the scope for process improvement activities. In this interactive session, you’ll learn to understand the fundamentals of creating an SIPOC diagram, demonstrating how you can dissect a process and create a workable improvement plan that can be applied in your everyday workplace. Armed with a detailed and shared visual understanding of how work actually occurs, the organization can more easily identify project ideas for improvement.

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