is the foundation of every single relationship you have in your personal life;
it's no different in business. Without effective communication, there can be misunderstandings,
problems and conflicts among your staff, your clients and everyone else you
come into contact. Poor communication can make effective delegation,
increased productivity and an enjoyable work environment virtually impossible.
Here are the 7
Tips for Improving Your Communication Skills:
- Make communication a priority. Checking in with employees is essential. Meet with them regularly either in-person, inviting them to discuss their thoughts on their projects, tasks, and the organization as a whole. They want to be heard, and they want to share their thoughts and opinions. This will improve internal communication throughout your entire organization, as well as empower your employees and keep them comfortable in their positions.
- Simplify and stay on message. Use simple, straightforward
language. The truth is
that everybody cannot be on same page when it comes to vocabulary.
Therefore, to be effective in your communications with your team members,
use words that can be easily understood. When ambiguous words are used,
you can be misunderstood and/or waste precious time having to explain
- Engage and encourage feedback. Don’t
just talk and walk away. Draw
your listeners and readers into the conversation. Ask questions and invite
opinions. Solicit their feedback.
It will also afford you the privilege of knowing if your message was well
understood. Look for ways to clarify or rephrase what you are
trying to say so it can be understood.
- Listen to your team members. Communication
is intended to be a two way street. Don’t just talk because you are the
leader without listening to anyone else. Encourage them to open up so you
can be well guided when communicating in the future with them. You have
two ears and one mouth –so you must listen more than you speak.
- Respect your team. Recognize your message is not
just about you or what you want. You should sincerely care about the needs
and the unique perspectives of those to whom you are communicating. One of
the best ways to show your respect is simply by paying attention to what
they say.
- Develop trust. Trust is the product of open and honest communications. So it is important that good communication channels exist. Also, trust is an essential ingredient of teamwork. If trust exists among business associates, teamwork and cooperation are much easier to achieve.
- Inform
and Inspire.
Communication is a form of information exchange. Explaining and clarifying
your thoughts and ideas is important in a leadership role. But passing on
information to your team is only half of the equation. As a leader, it's
vital to your business that your communication efforts inspire your team
as much as they educate them. Plan ahead for meetings and conversations so
you can effectively mix information and inspiration.
effective communication can be one of the most important skills you use in your
business. If your communication skills can use some fine-tuning, take time to
analyze how you communicate, and the results of your communication. Then focus
on ways you can improve it over time. You may be surprised how much that
changes your relationships with staff, clients and colleagues for the better.
The ways in
which your employees communicate with each other and with you is entirely
dependent on the example you set and the atmosphere you deliberately create.
Whether workplace communication is poor or outstanding, it can have a big
impact on revenue, productivity, and employee satisfaction. So value your
employees, set a good example, and above all, don’t just talk… listen.
When you
communicate more effectively in the workplace, work gets done more efficiently.
You foster a good environment where employees feel trusted and co-workers get
along. Eliminate miscommunication and boost your business by implementing these
tips now.

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